Afghanistan, the Neverending Story. A Debate

«In Afghanistan there has (never been) anything taken for granted. On the Hindu Kush, time loses its linearity, it becomes qualitative rather than quantitative, a decisive variable of geopolitical competition – “you have the clocks, we have the time”, the insurgents warned some time ago.

At the origin of the crisis triggered by the Taliban takeover of Kabul is not the event itself – foreseeable and foreseen by all concerned – but its speed.

The precipitate of events has upset the plans of the actors involved in the Afghan theater. Forced to fight against time to evacuate the country and bring home troops, diplomats, civilian personnel and native “collaborationists”» (Limesonline).

Will talk with musician and writer Aurelio Porfiri, political analyst Anders Corr, writer David A. Wemhoff and journalist Stefano Magni.

The program will be streamed on the YouTube channel Ritorno a Itaca, in the Facebook fanpage of Aurelio Porfiri and on Aurelio Porfiri’s Twiytter account.

Aldo Maria Valli:
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